

We're Home!!!

We're Home!!!





I'm Ready to Come Home!!!!!

I'm Ready to Come Home!!!!!

September 2009 Eyasu

September 2009 Eyasu

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Court Date!!!!

For those of you who haven't heard yet, our court date is December 23rd! What a wonderful Christmas present (if we pass (:)  50 to 60 percent of cases pass court the first time. The reason some people don't pass is due to various reasons such as a name being spelled wrong or certain paperwork not submitted yet. If we don't pass court, it will be another 3 to 4 weeks to reschedule a second court date.  If we do pass court, our Embassy appointment will be in 5 to 6 weeks and we will be traveling to Ethiopia to pick up our little boys!! So between passing court and our embassy appointment, we will be trying to get their room together!!! We already have their bedding, we just need to get beds, mattresses, etc.  Hopefully the next post will be that we passed court!!! Happy Holidays everyone!

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