

We're Home!!!

We're Home!!!





I'm Ready to Come Home!!!!!

I'm Ready to Come Home!!!!!

September 2009 Eyasu

September 2009 Eyasu

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


For those of you who were wondering what we were going to name the boys...we have picked out Joshua and Jeremiah. Joshua will be the two year old's name, and Jeremiah the three to four year old's name. We are not sure exactly what their middle names will be yet, but we are thinking of using family names from both of our families!!! We received a video in the mail on Monday that was taken by the agency director's husband. He did such a wonderful job!!! The boys are playing ball at the orphanage and also playing with a xylophone! They both look happy and they are absolutely adorable! Jeremiah looks a bit shy, but this was only his first week at the orphanage, so he is still in the adjustment phase. Joshua has been there for a little over one month and has put on one pound!!! He looks like a different child in comparison to the pictures I received when he was first placed in the orphanage. In the first set of pictures, he made no expressions except for looking very sad. Now he is full of expressions and seems so happy. Our paperwork is currently in DC getting its final authentication and next week it should be on its way to Ethiopia. Once there, it will be translated and submitted to court. We are currently looking at a timeline of getting the boys in March or April, but anything can happen, so we must pray!!!! Thanks for taking the time to read our blog!!!

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